Happy New Year to you all!
I hope you are all staying safe and well.
The league have Carnforth High School booked in March in anticipation of being able to hold our tournament as usual and hope you will enter, we as always look forward to seeing you take part.
Due to Carnforth High School being a popular venue for many sports, you will notice on the entry form that some evening start times are later than usual, please do make a note of these.
Other changes this year:
“The Tournament - the AGM voted that the A section at the tournament should be for Division 1 and any Division 2 or 3 players who wish to play in the A section. The B section will be for Division 2 and 3 players only”.
Division 1 players enter only Championship and A Section Handicaps
Division 2 players enter Restricted Levels events and B Section Handicaps.
Division 3 players enter Restricted Levels events and B Section Handicaps
Division 2 & 3 players may also enter the Championship and A Section Handicap events should they wish.
Should anybody be struggling for a partner please contact me and I will ask around.
Finally, the league will be abiding by the government guidelines during the tournament - social distancing / sanitising etc., for your safety and hopefully to enable you to enjoy your games.
We look forward to seeing you at the tournament.
Kind regards
Janette Lund
Tournament Secretary
entry form can be found here in the About >> Documents and Downloads folder of this site